
Appointment Announcement:

It is with great joy that I announce the appointment for the
Columbia District Superintendent:


It is my intention to appoint Rev. Erin Martin as the Columbia District Superintendent effective July 1, 2015. Erin brings a wealth of gifts and graces for this role: a commitment to Disciple-making, a clear vision of what the church can be, high Emotional Intelligence, and the ability to make things happen.


Erin currently serves Wesley United Methodist Church in Eugene, where she has consistently transformed the church through structural change, renewed membership (both new and long-term), and active community engagement. She also serves on the Board of Ordained Ministry.

Her husband, Charlie Collier is an Acquisitions Editor in theology and ethics at Wipf and Stock Publishers in Eugene. Erin and Charlie have four children, Krysten Kitchens (25), Katie Kitchens (23), Elijah Martin Collier (9), and Rowan Martin Collier (5).

I am excited for the Columbia District and our Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, and look forward to the leadership Erin will bring to all of us!

Bishop Grant Hagiya, Greater Northwest Episcopal Area
Read more about Rev. Martin and Columbia District leadership on the Conference Website.

Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference Conference Center - 1505 SW 18th Avenue - Portland, Oregon, 97201-2524
503-226-7931 or 1-800-JWesley (800-593-7539)
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