
Reflections on the Seven Foundations for Camp & Retreat Ministries 

Foundation 1: "Provide Sacred Places Apart"

A Perspective from Sawtooth Camp

by Dave Hargreaves, Director of Sawtooth Camp

Sawtooth, with its valley and hills, has always been a “place and experience” far away from the chaos of our everyday life. It is there that both old and young can find a special place to reflect on their lives and relationships. In stillness and solitude, it lies 35 miles away from the nearest small town, only a few miles from Idaho’s designated Wilderness area. Sawtooth is a place where one can focus on God and Creation without all the interruptions of our noisy modern lifestyle.  For 70 years in the silence of the forest, people have been able to really listen to one another and to hear God speak to them through the still and gentle whispering of nature.

In this setting, many are also inspired to help create and maintain facilities, protect spaces on the property, and provide programming.  Their donation of time, talent, and funding promotes additional hospitality and invitation to what many have called “ the sacred ground of Sawtooth.”

Perhaps one of the most important tasks occurs after we go to camp to quench that thirst for love, discovering Gods’ design for mankind on the mountaintop. It is upon returning tat we take that experience and vision back to a thirsty world. We invite you to drink well of Christ’s love at camp, then go back to the world and share.

Robert Poe Announced as Sawtooth Director

Robert and Julianne Poe

The Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries is pleased to announce the hiring of Robert Poe as the next director of the Sawtooth United Methodist Camp. Throughout his life, Robert has both worked and participated in events at Sawtooth Camp.

Currently, Robert is employed by Northwest Nazarene University (NNU) in Nampa, Idaho, where he is responsible for developing and coordinating community activities in a dormitory.  In that role he selects and oversees a group of student leaders who work together to enhance student life on campus.

He is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene and is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity degree at NNU.  He has worked in youth ministry in local church settings and in those leadership roles, has participated in camp and retreat programs. Robert wrote this about camp and retreat ministry: “There are few greater joys in life than being able to see someone’s life transformed by God…I love the role of a facilitator: helping people find what they need or being able to provide them with the resources for transformation in their life.” And this, about camp as a place of discernment and formation: “Often, getting into times and places that are not of the normal routine can help to both initiate transformation and help solidify transformation in the lives of all.  Camps can play this role in people’s lives and played that role in my life as I received my call into ministry at a camp in 2002.”

He is married to Julianne who is a public school elementary music teacher.  Robert is also a baseball fan, particularly of the Chicago Cubs.


Title Dates
Magruder Choir Camp 2/16/2018 - 2/19/2018
Winter Youth Retreat II (Suttle Lake) 2/17/2018 - 2/19/2018
Leadership & Counselor Training (Magruder)  4/6/2018 - 4/8/2018
Confirmation Retreat (Suttle Lake) 4/20/2018 - 4/22/2018
Spring Quilts, Craft & More Weekend (Suttle Lake)  4/26/2018 - 4/29/2018

View All Events 



Go Camping E-News is a publication of Camp and Retreat Ministries, a collaboration of the OR-ID Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon.

1505 SW 18th Ave
Portland, OR 97201