
It's Time to Talk With Each Other

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky is encouraging United Methodist clergy and laypersons across the Greater Northwest Area to attend worshipful 'Table Talk' conversations about human sexuality, and about the future of the Church we love.

Bishop Elaine leading communionPlease watch the Bishop's invitation and share it with your church! You can download a copy to use in worship and in other settings. Here is Bishop Elaine's video.

In the Sage District, our Table Talks are scheduled for Saturday, April 28, at Nampa UMC from 1-5 p.m.; and Saturday May 19, at Pocatello UMC from 1-5 p.m. 

There are many other sites and times available to you throughout the conference. Please do RSVP for the session you choose. You can do that, and find out more about the Table Talks, on the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area website.

I look forward to talking with you!

Rev. Gwen Drake, Sage District Superintendent

Sage District Office of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
1505 SW 18th Ave, Portland OR 97201(503) 802-9225 ~