
Bishop's address:
In the midst of turmoil, run toward love

Even in the midst of uncertainty about the future of the United Methodist Church; even as we sometimes feel like things are crumbling and we can’t all agree on recognizing our differences, there is still opportunity to live and love boldly, Bishop Elaine Stanovsky proclaimed during her Episcopal address to open the 50th session of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference.

She reminded laity and clergy sitting inside Boise First United Methodist Church, Cathedral of the Rockies, of the scripture introduced last year from Luke 10: 25-37. This story of a lawyer testing Jesus on how to live eternally is both a call to live boldly in Jesus' response and in the subsequent parable of the Good Samaritan.

“Who is my neighbor?” the lawyer asks Jesus in scripture.

Stanovsky said in her address Wednesday night that the way you treat a person makes them a stranger or a neighbor.

“That is a lot of authority,” Stanovsky said.

There is a lot to lament in the church and in this world right now, she said. From tightened budgets and closed churches to immigrant families being torn apart and school shootings a regular occurrence. The United Methodist Church is at the precipice of change with a special General Conference being held in St. Louis in February 2019 to declare the church’s position and way forward on human sexuality (see Rev. Donna Pritchard’s report below).

But Stanovsky said the church cannot stop reaching out – acting in love – and being neighbors to others while these hefty decisions are made.

Read more of her address on the Conference website

Pritchard: 'One Church' model honors diverse perspectives on human sexuality

As part of her Episcopal address and discussion about loving our neighbors, Bishop Elaine Stanovsky invited Rev. Donna Pritchard to present information from her work on the global Commission on a Way Forward to Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference delegates and guests.

Pritchard, senior pastor at Portland First UMC, sat on the 32-member Commission on a Way Forward appointed by the Council of Bishops for 18 months.

On Wednesday night at Boise First UMC, Pritchard reviewed the work and the many paths forward the commission considered regarding the United Methodist Church and human sexuality.

The 32-members of the Commission represented nine nations from four different continents, and some members of the Commission were active in lobbying for the church to go in one direction or another.

There were many options put forward – everything from continuing with the status  quo to being fully inclusive to the idea jurisdictions across the United States would be restructured so that church conferences would be members of a jurisdiction that aligned with their theology on the issue of human sexuality.

Ultimately, though, Pritchard said the Commission settled on the recommendation of the one church model, which, if approved at the special General Conference gathering in 2019, will allow conferences and jurisdictions to decide whether or not to be accepting and inclusive of LGBTQ persons within the denomination.

“It honors the diversity of perspectives (in the church),” Pritchard said, in addition to requiring no constitutional amendments and little disruption to church mission to achieve.

Pritchard said she’s fearful of what’s at stake if the global UMC doesn’t move this direction. Decisions will have to be made over larger UMC mission and ministry such as UMCOR, hospitals and Methodist-supported universities, let alone local church decisions.

“Nobody likes conflict,” she said. “There is much more at stake here than a little bit of discomfort. Our connectionalism stands to be lost.”


In Remembrance: Honoring the faithful servants of Oregon-Idaho Conference

Before Bishop Elaine Stanovsky's Episcopal address on Wednesday evening, Conference lay leaders and pastors spent time honoring members of the Conference who died this past year, with a candle lit for each of the 17 names read.

Names read were:

Lois Chilcott
John (Jack) Dawson
Luann Enz
Rena Fletcher
Doris Garrabrandt
Nance Hance
Myrtle Lamb
Elizabeth Leibman
Betty Luginbill
James McCobb
Michael Meriwether
Eun Soo Park
David Poindexter
Stuart Shaw
John Skien
Dorothy Thomas
Joan Townsen 

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