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Reflections on values with Camp & Retreat Ministries

We Need Hope, Even When it isn't "Cool"

 Value 2: Hope

By Troy Taylor, Director at Camp Magruder

It’s not very cool to be hopeful. Though most people, when pressed, will acknowledge that hope is necessary in our lives, it’s a lot more hip to take on a discouraging attitude that things are just getting worse. It’s great conversation fodder--think about it--do we generally get more traction in a conversation talking about how great today’s news was or how depressing it was? Though most of us know deep down we are healthier when we are hopeful, there is still some sort of social currency and even strange comfort in dismissing the idea of being hopeful in challenging times.


It reminds me of the middle school camper on the first day of camp. This age group is so focused on being accepted in a group of their peers. It is crucially important that they fit in. The fear of not fitting in can be paralyzing, so they are often working very hard not to stand out in a way that might end with them being excluded. So, the answer to this dilemma is to be “cool;” and the playbook for “cool,” is to not involve yourself in anything risky. Stay in the back of the room, don’t volunteer for anything, sing very quietly or not at all. Don’t show any emotions that hint at vulnerability, especially enthusiasm in something risky you deeply believe in.


From the first moment of camp, we are working to release our campers and guests from their “cool,” chains, because this version of cool is certainly a safe way to go, but it also results in less connection, less challenge and growth, and less hope in anything bigger than protecting yourself. The transformations you can see in just a few days are amazing. You go from seeing a timid, frankly boring version of a person to someone excited about something, trying things, accomplishing things.


There are certainly a lot of “cool,” hopeless statements we can make about the state of our world. The more we make those statements, the more that will become our world view. The more that is our world view, the more we are that middle school camper finding a comfy place against the wall, because that is easier than putting yourself out there. Hope is something we need even when we aren’t sure why we should be hoping. It will energize us when there isn’t energy. It will keep us fed when food is scarce. And, just like “cool,” hope can be contagious, spreading through the room, transforming everyone it touches.



Camp Partnership Boosts New Church Start

The 7 Foundations of Camp & Retreat Ministry include "Partner with UM Churches & Agencies" and "Extend Christian Hospitality & Community." Camp in the Community, based in the Holston Conference, has demonstrated these foundations in a beautiful way through their involvement with a "Fresh Expression" church start in their area. Through the relationships built with kids and families at camp, a new worshiping community is forming. Praise be to God! 

Read More!


Blessings Report  

In their weekly e-news, the National United Methodist Camp & Retreat Ministry includes a blessings report. This report gives readers the opportunity to share the blessings that they experience at camp. We are happy to provide a similar report in our weekly publication! 

  • New experiences in rivers, lakes, and the ocean found at camp
  • Perfecting the S'more
  • Discovering something about ourselves at camp
  • Learning about God in a loving environment 

Please send your blessings to share in future issues of the e-news. Click on this link


Go Camping E-News is a publication of Camp and Retreat Ministries, a collaboration of the OR-ID Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon.

1505 SW 18th Ave
Portland, OR 97201